Star wars battlefront 2 first order
Star wars battlefront 2 first order

“Operation: Resurrection” is likely a clue about the First Order’s ultimate plans, beyond its star system-killing superweapon from The Force Awakens, Starkiller Base. He and Colonel Hask, a former member of Inferno Squad, also discuss the First Order’s plans - something they call “Operation: Resurrection.” In the epilogue, Kylo Ren travels to one of the planets from the war after Return of the Jedi, where he finds Protectorate Gleb and returns her to the First Order. And Kylo Ren, its lightsaber-wielding, Force-using enforcer, worships Darth Vader. In the Disney era trilogy, the Empire was defeated by the Rebels, but a new evil army called the First Order has risen to take its place, hoping to resurrect the Empire and its former glory.

star wars battlefront 2 first order

That part of the story is years in the future, closer to the time when The Force Awakens take place. While much of Star Wars: Battlefront II and its story concern the war right after Return of the Jedi, the bit with Protectorate Gleb doesn’t come up again until the game’s epilogue. The mission is to locate and transport Versio’s mentor, an alien called Protectorate Gleb, off the planet.

star wars battlefront 2 first order

Part of Operation: Cinder sends Inferno Squad to the planet Vardos, Versio’s home world and the place where she was trained in a special Imperial officer school. The team responsible for carrying out some of those orders, Inferno Squad, is led by Commander Iden Versio, a special forces commando whose father is an Imperial admiral. Also Read: The Best Bridge Between 'Star Wars' Trilogies Isn't 'Rogue One,' It's a Video Game (Commentary)

Star wars battlefront 2 first order